Conditions We Address
Hypermobility and Associated Disorders
Mast Cell Disease
Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia
Spinal Arachnoiditis
Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
Chronic Inflammation
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Back Pain
Dr. Bluestein now offers EduCoaching, a unique process combining personalized information with one-on-one coaching.
Hypermobility and related conditions are often poorly understood within the standard healthcare system. As a dancer, sufferer of a hypermobility disorder and a medical doctor, Dr. Bluestein has deep understanding of these conditions on the many levels that it can present.
She has treated patients for years with these conditions, lectured internationally and authored many papers on hypermobility disorders.
Our newly expanded EduCoaching program will enable individuals worldwide to benefit from Dr. Bluestein's expertise. For the convenience of those with hypermobility and related conditions, Bendy Bodies, LLC offers virtual EduCoaching from the comfort of your own home.
Are you ready to improve your quality of life? Click here to start your journey.
Please note that EduCoaching with Dr. Bluestein is not a replacement for your medical team. All clients must have a primary care physician for emergencies and routine care.

Coaching Services
Are you ready to improve your quality of life? Have a scheduled session? Click here to log into your virtual COACHING appointment now.

Patient Portal
For existing PATIENTS of Hypermobility MD (NOT coaching clients). Have a scheduled appointment? Click here to log into your virtual MEDICAL appointment now.